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Organizing A Conference 101

Even for the most accomplished event mangers, setting up and organizing big events can be intimidating. But you are in it for the challenge as much as for the gain. The question is no longer how to do it, rather how to do it exceptionally right if you want to add another event to your portfolio.

If you enable them to exchange contacts, socialize and find out something new along the way - your goal is accomplished

The experts will tell you that the right or the best way is to attract specialists in the particular field and provide them with a suitable venue so that they can exchange their knowledge and experiences; if you enable them to exchange contacts, socialize and find out something new along the way - your goal is accomplished (not to mention the level of your achievement if you manage to make your client happy. Will this outcome make your client happy and is this their goal, too?)

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What is the right way for organizing a conference the right way?  The answer cannot really be given in order of importance, since each and every point equally matter, which is why we’ll present them at our own liking.


What the theme of the conference will be?

The topic is crucial! Talk to the client about what they want to achieve by this conference. Your task is not just to fulfill their wishes but also to advise. The subject should not be too wide; the results will not be favorable and you will not be able to have everybody speaking. Make the topic as narrow and specific as possible - the outcome is excellent time management and quality regarding the field.


Who to invite as a speaker?

When the theme is determined, switch to another equally important part - participants. Make a list of all the experts in the field that you want to have presenting. Once you contact them, you will have the information about their schedule and the list will be probably shorter. Make a concise conference plan and enclose it with the invitation. Details on fees and similar things are agreed upon later, once the speakers show interest.


When to organize the conference?

The time and date when you plan to hold the conference can affect the entire organization. Unless your client has a specific date in mind, these are a few details to be considered in order to avoid ending up without speakers, participants and attendees.

  • Is there some other conference in town?
  • Is it a time of holidays?
  • Is it a period of time when your experts are the busiest?


Where to organize?

Venue does not leave only the first impression on the participants, but also the last.  Keep in mind that these people need to spend a lot of time at the venue (especially if your conference lasts a couple of days). From this very reason you have to make it comfortable, pleasant, accessible and reachable. Do not slip the parking lot from you mind; you don’t want to have 50 doctors circling and looking for a free parking space.


Also, the interior needs to be adapted to the needs of the conference, which will again be dictated by the profile of participants and the field of expertise. Nevertheless, one thing every venue should have is quality lighting, sound system, a place for laptops and other technicalities. You’ll make it easy on yourself if you provide good catering, available wardrobe and small presents for the guests.


What's the budget?

If you are working for a client, there will be a budget determined. Use it as a guidebook for what you can and cannot set up. Even if you are setting up the budget by yourself, what you need is a list of incomings and outgoings which will keep you on track.

For example:

  • Expenses
    • Venue
    • Speaker Fee
    • Your (event manager) Fee
    • Venue renting price; catering, technical equipment, logistics, additional staff
    • Marketing


  • Income
    • Participation Fee
    • Sales of professional documents, books, etc.
    • Sponsors


What is the best marketing plan?

Whether you want to attract professionals and others interested in this particular topic or you already have a target group familiar with the conference and its content, you still need a good marketing plan.

Social networks will do the trick for some conferences, but LinkedIn specifically is great for any subject because it is the place where the most experts in different areas gather virtually. Have an article written about the conference, including speakers and their influence in the field and publish it in some magazine or blog.

When it comes to big gatherings a pattern that without exception appears is: one point influences another, different topics call for differing venues, various speakers call for diverse organization and in most cases specific timetables. Flexibility and open mind are indispensable to your successful organization, together with deft planning and thoroughgoing monitoring.

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