WordPress Event Ticketing

Common Mistakes Of Rookie Event Managers And How To Avoid Them

Everybody at the start of their career has a lot on their mind. And at this point, in order not to get lost we usually try to prioritize. Although, prioritizing is an important and a great strategy, we need to make sure we have included all that matters in the priority list. Those who are longer in the business have lists of their own, and in time you will have yours, but for complete beginners here is an emergency check-list.


The plan is not a problem; I keep it in my head

It is unquestionable that many jobs, especially those that are repeated often, can be done automatically, without much thinking and planning. But usually, the actions or tasks done in this way are only a piece which makes the great whole. Relying only on your memory could get you into a fix, since sometimes omitting the smallest detail or missing a single meeting can cost you your reputation and the entire business deal.

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What you should do is write everything down. If you are not fond of paper and consider yourself an environmentally friendly person, use one of many planning software available now. These are designed so as to think for you, connect you with colleagues and clients and remind you of each and every errand you have to run.


No full-time and coordinated team

Nowadays, it is common for the owners to hire employees on short-term basis or that the number of employees hired long-term is reduced to its minimum. What is the reason for this? Cost reduction of course. The growing market of freelance workers offers the opportunity to hire at any time and save money when you do not have an upcoming project in your calendar.

Nevertheless, savings on one hand can lead to large losses on the other. As you already know, one of the key components for success is having experienced staff well familiar with the concept of teamwork. Setting up a new team for every new job can cost you time efficiency. In this way, you waste time on unnecessary instruction and training, wherefore the quality of work is at a low level.

Nevertheless, savings on one hand can lead to large losses on the other

The most favorable solution for the company, you as the owner and the future clients is to have a certain number of full-time, long-term employees who will know in advance what their obligations are and how to handle them. In this case you, when necessary, just need to hire external associates who perform work under clear guidance.


Yellow Pages suppliers

As events require procuring different number of different items, from food, decorations to the equipment, you need associates who are engaged in the sale, renting and distribution of the items you need. Managers who are at the beginning of their careers often make mistakes by selecting suppliers randomly; relying on Google ads or Yellow Pages. What are the possible consequences?

  • You do not receive the goods on time.
  • You receive the goods of unknown quality.
  • You do not have the privileges because supplier is not familiar with your company.

The best way is choosing and sticking to well-known suppliers, since once mutual trust is created both sides will know in advance what to expect.


Old school marketing (with no) plan

You are not really into modern technology? You are an old school newspaper- advertising-is-the-best-way kind of guy? That will be a problem because new age leads to new trends. People turn businesses and their free time online; therefore online is where you want your marketing to be – or at least one part of it. If you still believe that you are not cut for it, find someone who is, it will not hurt. Find somebody for your team who is skillful in marketing and who will be entrusted with this task.

Online is where you want your marketing to be – or at least one part of it


The unavailability

Customers expect you to be there for them. They usually want to know that they can reach you at any time. This does not actually mean that you need to answer your phone at 2am, but it means that your clients should have an impression that you are available 24/7. One of the ways to achieve this is to have delayed communication through different applications. Mind you, you will make a good image if you really answer as soon as possible; try to do it in the next 12 hours from the time the client asked for you.


Not refusing offers

It is not an easy decision to reject offers. However, sometimes it will come the time when this is necessary. Do not overload yourself with work; quality is more important than quantity. If you have a lot of offers make a selection. Be guided by these points or make your own that are important to you:

  • Regular customers
  • Profitability
  • The scope of work
  • Customer requirements
  • Personal satisfaction

If the offer does not fulfill your criteria, turn it down.


Not paying attention to the "little things"

During the organization of events most attention is given to:

  • Budget
  • Venue location
  • Deadlines
  • Technical equipment
  • Speakers
  • Participants


However, occasionally, managers forget about the tiny details which can make the whole event leave a negative impression. Normally, you will check what the weather will be like on that day and provide an alternative for an outdoor event. Still, go the extra mile; make sure you have an alternative in the summer months even though no rain was forecasted since surprise like a summer shower is not a lap a bride would forgive. In addition to that, insufficiently large parking lot can cause anger among the visitors. The existence of wardrobe and the person responsible for it is not a negligible point either. Imagine coats and jackets hung on chairs on a gala night. Embarrassing, isn’t it?


Too confident - nothing can go wrong

My company has organized so many different events that nothing can go wrong. You cannot believe how many things can go wrong, even for the most experienced managers; power failure, bad weather, and equipment failure, illness of staff – the list is endless. Stay alert at all times and have a plan B.


Too pushy on social networks

Are you using social networks properly? Do you see the potential and take the best out of the tools widely available online? If you are, thumbs up for you, just ask yourself are you doing it right. First of all, you do not want to bore and annoy people, which is exactly what too many posts published over a short period of time will do.  It is mandatory to make a plan for announcements, to be constantly active, but not annoying. Studies have shown that it is ideal to release between 1-3 posts per day. In case you do not have anything new to publish, find some interesting facts related to the history of the event or participants and share it with your followers.


Which mistakes did you make and what would you add to our list?

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