WordPress Event Ticketing

Finding, Treating and Keeping Volunteers On Your Events

In one of our previous posts, we mentioned the importance of volunteers for the success of your event. Actually, we talked about cutting the cost and establishing a relationship with schools, colleges and facilities that can provide you with needed volunteers. We will support the conclusion made then, which is why you should consider engaging volunteers whenever there is a need, and elaborate further on the reasons for this.

  • Of course, you cut on staff fee
  • Allow young people to learn about the job and gain the experience
  • Make backup staff for when needed
  • Spread the word about your work among other people


Alright, the reasons for engagement are there, now the question is to find them, to treat them and what to do in order to keep them returning (considering the fact you were satisfied with their performance in the first place).

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Step 1: How to find volunteers easily?


Social media

As for any other purpose, social networks are valuable pool of information in this situation as well. Write a detailed post in which you will emphasize subsequent information:

  • What kind of the event it is
  • What profile of workers you need
  • What are your expectations (working hours, type of work, etc.)
  • What is a gain for them
  • How tocontact you


Popular websites for hiring volunteers

There is a number of websites that deal specifically with this issue. Explore the pages, create accounts and find best matches for the needs of your event.


Schools, colleges and student organizations

Schools and colleges are looking for opportunities for their students which will allow them to acquire knowledge and experience in established and prolific companies. Stipulate partnerships which will make both sides satisfied – you give guidance and a chance for obtaining experience and they provide you with workforce.


Step 2. How to treat your volunteers?


As much as they need you, you need them more. Treat them in accordance with that.

First of all, tell them exactly what your expectations are and what their obligations encompass. Stick to your word and do not load them with twice as much work later.


Respect them and their time

You already treat your colleagues and associates with respect. Then, why not applying the same to the volunteers who work for you at no charge?


Make them feel as full time colleagues

Regardless of the fact that they work in the company as temporary staff, while working for you, you should act as if they are full time employees. Show them how to be focused and oriented on the task and how to accomplish it successfully.


Step 3. How to make them return?


You will surely need volunteers after the specific job is done, so try to make them come back.


First of all, repeat the step 2 and then:


Provide them with training

As we already mentioned you have to invest in order to get what you wish and what you need. Provide your volunteers with training for specific jobs. If you have a chance, bring one of your experienced employees to mentor them.


Help them start filling in the portfolio

They are volunteers, not experienced workers. Either their portfolio is at the very beginning, or they do not have one yet. Ensure they have the proper guidance on how to create a high-quality portfolio, and give them experience to list in it.
If you are satisfied with their efforts, write them good recommendation

Everybody needs recommendations and that is actually the compensation they expect. You certainly know how hard it is for young people with no or little experience to find a job they want.  Help them make their first steps in the right direction. Write them a recommendation, specify that they stood out, worked hard and were ready to learn.

If you play it right and establish a good relationship with your volunteers, you will have more than just free assistance - a good image for your company. In addition, taking a look at a wider picture can show you that these people are not just young apprentices who wish to take over the world but your future colleagues, partners or competition who will eventually be a part of the market and influence its development.

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