WordPress Event Ticketing

What to expect in Tickera 3.0

Hi guys,

We're working on the Tickera 3.0 which will be released in September.

The new version will be re-written from the ground up. We will introduce way better code with a lot of hooks for easy customization and make room for other developers to make their own add-ons for Tickera.

Not sure what is Tickera? Go here to find out!

Here are some of the new features which will take place in that version:



barcodeBarcode Reader support

Barcode readers may improve the whole check-in process, decrease the time of the check-in, leave less crowd at the door of your venue and make your attendees more happy! We will keep both QR codes and barcodes on the tickets which will be used with your mobile apps - actually, you'll be able to choose whether you want to keep both or just one on the tickets with the new Ticket Builder!



ticketTicket Builder

Ticket builder will allow you to create ticket templates which could be selected for each ticket type. So each ticket type (Standard, VIP, etc.) may look totally different and you can achieve that easily by dragging and dropping elements, reordering, changing font sizes and colors, ticket paper size and its orientation or even put a full-background image if you want fully custom design of the ticket. Another good thing is that you will be able to develop new custom ticket elements by using our hooks!



multisteMultisite Support

Do you have WordPress multisite installed with a number of subsites and clients? Awesome! Give your clients option to create their own events and sell tickets!




Unlike in the current version, your customers will be able to purchase unlimited number of tickets / ticket types from more than one event at once!



cardPayment Gateways

We will introduce a number of new most popular payment gateways out there. Tickera will include 2Checkout, Authorize.net, Offline Payments, Free Orders, Paymill, PayPal Standard, PIN, Stripe and Mijireh.



gearPayment Gateway API

Are you comfortable with coding? If yes, then we have a good news for you! Tickera will have payment gateway API and documentation for easy development of additional payment gateways for Tickera.



apiCheck-in API

Our new Check-in API will make your life easier if you are going to develop your own check-in mobile, desktop or other type of app!



formPurchase form

Purchase form will include info from each ticket owner (current plugin shows buyer data on each ticket). New hooks will allow you to add new fields for buyer or ticket owners easily. It would be useful if you want to add, for instance, additional field where your customers may choose food preference, set their age, sex, etc. In addition, buyer will be able to download tickets directly from a purchase confirmation page - no more lost emails which have to be sent manually, lost attachments or server issues which prevent tickets to reach your clients.



white-labelWhite Label

Tickera plugin will be ready for white-labeling. By changing just few lines of code, you'll rename the plugin by your own of client's preference - no more "Tickera" everywhere 🙂



bubbleTranslation Ready

Current version of Tickera offers you translation options just for some parts of the front part of the plugin. In the new version, you'll be able to translate every possible word in a WordPress way.



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