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The importance of Schema

Schema may seem a bit of a buzz word to some who isn't familiar with what it is. However, it's one of the most important factors of any website that wants to improve SEO and boost rankings.

So What exactly is Schema?

Think of schema as a new language. A language that helps structure data and shows more relevant content in search results. Google uses Schema in search results to show information and structure data. You'll often see Schema referred to as "Structured Data Markup" along with "Rich Snippets"

Schema can do a broad range of things, such as showing opening and closing hours, your hotel check in and more! Google uses a wide variety of cards across a variety of different use cases to show uses the most relevant results when searching.

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You may think that though that Schema isn't suitable for your website. That's a lie. There isn't a single website that schema isn't suitable for. Imagine this, you run a review site about books and are fed up with the useless information presented in search results. Luckily there's a schema for you as well! Using the Book, you can implement a broad range of specific information tailored to your niche such as:

  • The Book edition
  • The illustrator
  • The ISBN number
  • Number of pages

And much much more. Include anything from the genre to funder, to headline, author, creator editor. Any possible piece of information you need to enter can be used. Allowing for more structured data and relevant search information shown to your visitors.

It's not just creative industries though that can benefit from the power of Schema. A vast array of industries are covered from Health and wellbeing through to organizations, individual people, local businesses, food and more.

Schema can also be used to show review, such as the rating or number of stars. Information about your product such as price, color, make, model and so much more. Schema is powerful and important. By being able to implement and use this information. You'll not only improve the usability of your site for users visiting and searching. But also climb the search rankings by helping Google show relevant and correct information for your website.


Implementing Schema

Now you have an idea of what Schema can do for your site. How exactly can you implement Schema on your WordPress powered site? The answer lies as it does usually with the use of plugins.


All In One Schema.org Rich Snippets - Free

This powerful plugin is from the same team that's created hugely popular add-ons for Visual Composer and the popular opt-in plugin ConvertPlug

Out the box it works well in implementing the required information, however, it is rather limited when it comes to the Schema types that can be used. Right now it only supports:

  • Review
  • Event
  • People
  • Product
  • Recipe
  • Software Application
  • Video
  • Articles

This means it's rather lacking when it comes to supporting other popular schema types such:

  • Breadcrumbs
  • Local Business (businesses)
  • Books

And much more. This means before installing the plugin. Make sure you check the Schema types you need for your website are supported.


Schema - Free

Schema has you guessed it! Another data to provide rich snippets (schema) markup for your WordPress powered website

Out the box it supports a range of different schema markups such as article, blog and the important sideline search box. There's a free add-on plugin that can also be installed for support for the review Schema.

Compatible with Yoast SEO, Visual Composer and a range of other plugins. It's certainly worth a look. However just like the All In One Schema.org plugin it's once again missing the majority of Schema types.


Rich Snippets - $20

Rich Snippets is a feature packed premium WordPress plugin that out the box supports all Google based rich snippet markup. Unlike other Rich snippet plugins though it also includes the ability to setup your own Schema types perfectly if you have a niche site and can't find the schema type support in any other plugin.

As you'd expect with any premium plugin, Rich Snippets includes premium support, and they have a bunch of code examples all of which you can see without even needing to purchase: https://wp-buddy.com/documentation/plugins/rich-snippets-wordpress-plugin/rich-snippet-code-examples/

All in all, if you have a site that relies on Structured data or are looking to implement rich data with minimal hassle. Rich snippets are the way to go.



Schema data is not only important for your visitors, but also for helping you improve your SEO and subsequent ranking in Google and other search engines. There's nothing to lose by trying out Schema markup, so why not try out one of the above plugins and get started today?

Have you used Schema markup on your site? Perhaps you saw your search engine ranking increase with the use of structured data? Let us know in the comments below.

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